HomeTagsPresident Obama

President Obama

Surely, We Don’t Expect Republicans to Suck Their Cult Leader Off All The Way from D.C.?

"Does anyone know how hard it is to have a long-distance relationship, much less...

A Firehose That Spews Diarrhea Told Me It’s Been Holding Mock Debates With Joe Biden

"...I'm not Harvey Keitel or Bobby DeNiro or anything, but I guess all that...

Obama’s Gun Confiscation Count: Week #353

Obama's Gun Confiscation keeps rollin', rollin', rollin.

Obama’s Socialist Takeover Shocker: U.S. Economy Adds 270k New Jobs In October

The October employment numbers are in, and Republicans do not like them, but not because they aren't good.

Citing “Senioritis,” Obama Decides to Stay In Afghanistan

President Obama has decided to leave troops in Afghanistan after his departure from office after all.

President Obama Declares ‘Mission Accomplished’ In Jade Helm Operation

Over the weekend, President Obama declared victory in the Jade Helm operation.

Jesus Christ: ‘Bachmann Is Right, I’m Coming Again…For a Sandwich’

Jesus Christ says Michele Bachmann is right about him coming back to Earth, but wrong about the reason why.

Obama to Unveil Birth Certificate, Details of Secret Communist/Sharia Takeover On Jan. 21, 2017

An explosive new document has been released. Will Obama let you read it?

5 Ways Obama Has Totally Destroyed the Constitution

How has Obama destroyed the Constitution? We have five ways right here, pal.

Texas Governor Greg Abbot Is Tired of Other States Trying To ‘Out-Dumb Us’

Texas Governor Greg Abbot wants the first word on your lips after hearing the word "dumb" to be "Texas."

Dick Cheney: ‘I Write For People Who Love to Read Books Full of Bullsh*t’

The Political Garbage Chute caught up with Dick Cheney at a book signing.

Republicans React: Obama Headed to His Homeland For the First Time In His Presidency

President Obama is going to Kenya for the first time since being elected president in 2008, and we Republican reactions.

Obama’s Voting Proposal Outrages Another 12% of Americans Into Possibly Voting

A new poll shows President Obama's compulsory voting idea has inspired another 12% of Americans to maybe, possibly vote next time around.

Dick Cheney: ‘I Criticize Obama Out of Total Hypocrisy, Not Racism!’

Former Vice-President Dick Cheney wants the world to know he's just a hypocrite, not a racist.

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Surely, We Don’t Expect Republicans to Suck Their Cult Leader Off All The Way from D.C.?

"Does anyone know how hard it is to have a long-distance relationship, much less...

A Firehose That Spews Diarrhea Told Me It’s Been Holding Mock Debates With Joe Biden

"...I'm not Harvey Keitel or Bobby DeNiro or anything, but I guess all that...

I Interviewed the Condom Donald Trump Didn’t Use When He Ivanka’d Stormy Daniels

"Prophylactic Americans have senses just like everyone else. And would YOU want to ever...

Who Hasn’t Told a Woman She Reminds Us of Our Child Right Before We Put Our Penis In Her?

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