Totally Bulls*it News

Eagles Accept Gavin Newsom’s Invitation to Visit California

"As much as we would have graciously eaten a cold Big Mac or Quarter Pounder with cheese, we'd all much prefer to be eating...

Call Me Old Fashioned, But Women Shouldn’t Be Dancing at Football Games

The following editorial was written by right-wing commentator Dustin Pewpsin. The...

As Soon as Ron or Nikki Insults Heidi Cruz, I’ll Know Who I’m Voting For

The following editorial was written by Dustin Pewpsin, a right-wing commentator,...

George Santos Talked to Us About His Inspiration Behind Steamboat Willie

"...when you're someone like me -- and granted there are so...

First It’s Green Day. Who’s Next – Rage Against the Machine?!

The following editorial was written by Chad Beefington, a right-wing commentator....

Donald Trump Finding Out

Well...shit. How did this end up happening, anyway? Doesn't everyone indicting him understand...

I Live in Arkansas. Can My 10 Year Old Work as a Bouncer at a Drag Bar?

I moved to Arkansas before I was a father, so I...

Jesus: “Silencing Transgender People Isn’t Christian, It’s Cunty”

"I specifically told people to stop being judgmental little twatwaffles to...

Greene and Boebert Blast Cinco De Mayo as ‘Reverse Racist’

"'s very rude and disrespectful, the whole holiday. You can see...