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Jenna Ellis

Steve Bannon Wants You to Send Him Copies of Obama’s and Hillary’s Books While He’s in Prison

"I aggressively fantasize about both of them in my dreams." After writing about politics for...

Ashley’s Diary, Hunter’s Laptop, Obama’s Birth Certificate, and the Bible: All the Facts I Need

The following editorial was written by right-wing commentator and Trump 2024 surrogate Dustin Pewpsin....

Jenna Ellis Leaves GOP to Form ‘Trump’s Balls Party’

MT. SHITDICK, COLORADO -- Jenna Ellis, an attorney who represented former, one-term, twice forever...

Federal Agents Find $3 Million in Receipts for Gas-X and Just for Men in Giuliani’s Apartment

NEW YORK, NEW YORK -- This morning, federal agents served a search warrant on...

5 Fast Facts About Sidney Powell, The Rat-Faced Scarecrow Attempting to Steal Our Election

For the last six weeks, former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani -- whose only...

Trump Campaign Legal Team to Ask Supreme Court to Set Aside Election, Constitution, Democracy

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- His options are dwindling. Time is running out. The votes have...

Trump Legal Team Wants to Wrap Entire Supreme Court in Tinfoil Before Presenting Their Arguments

It's not exactly been a big secret. The Trump Campaign's legal strategy has always...

5 Evidence-Free Accusations We’re Making About Trump’s Legal Team

If there is one thing that President Donald Trump's campaign legal team is exceptionally...

Can’t Follow Trump’s Legal Arguments? Try Smoking This Drug.

The 2020 presidential election was held almost three weeks ago, and the result has...

Trump Campaign Legal Team Scouring Constitution for ‘Stamping Feet and Holding Breath’ Clause

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- The days are growing shorter, and Donald Trump's legal team is...

Sidney Powell Easily Connects Dots Between Hugo Chavez, Biden, and the Loch Ness Monster

Nobody thought she could do it. They all said she was "crazy." Some said...

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Steve Bannon Wants You to Send Him Copies of Obama’s and Hillary’s Books While He’s in Prison

"I aggressively fantasize about both of them in my dreams." After writing about politics for...

Ashley’s Diary, Hunter’s Laptop, Obama’s Birth Certificate, and the Bible: All the Facts I Need

The following editorial was written by right-wing commentator and Trump 2024 surrogate Dustin Pewpsin....

Betrayal? RFK’s Brain Worms Just Endorsed Donald Trump

"Much like how an Evangelical Christian can read the Bible and not know anything...

Every Former President Ranked from Least to Most Felony Convictions

Our regular readers will likely recall that part of our mission statement here --...