Totally Bulls*it News

Greenlander Would Rather Not Lose Universal Healthcare to Join “Shit Hole” Country

"Why would we want to join a shit hole country that doesn't even give us basic human health services like every other developed nation?" When...

Trey Gowdy To Give Kevin McCarthy a ‘Hearty Spanking’ For Benghazi Investigation Comments

Kevin McCarthy is in for a little corporal punishment for his Benghazi hearing gaffe on Hannity.

Nearly A Million People Have Donated to Presidential Campaign That Cannot Win

Since when did being popular mean you win elections, Bernie Sanders?

Carly Fiorina Fondly Recounts the Time She Found Atlantis

Did you know Carly Fiorina once found the Lost City of Atlantis? Of course you didn't, but she'll tell you all about it.

Pope Francis and Kim Davis Meet, Discuss Bigotry and Baking Recipes

What happens when Pope Francis and Kim Davis meet? Bigotry collaborations and baking recipe swapping, of course.

House Republicans Start ‘Pre-Impeachment’ Proceedings For Hillary Clinton

The Benghazi hearings were good, but some members of the House want to impeach Hillary Clinton preemptively, prior to the election.

Donald Trump Is Racking Up The D-Bag Endorsements

From Tom Brady to Willie Robertsons, the douchebags are lining up to endorse Donald Trump.

Ted Cruz: Mars Water Supply Proves Girls Go To Jupiter to Get More Stupider

There's water on Mars and Sen. Ted Cruz believes it means something universal about life itself.

Republican Man Can’t Wait to See Which D-Bag Replaces Boehner

Who will be John Boehner's successor? One Kansas man is beside himself with anticipation.

Carly Fiorina Fondly Remembers Breaking NFL Rushing Yards Record

Carly Fiorina tells another tale of tremendous grandeur.