Totally Bulls*it News
Mostly Bulls*it Opinions
The Political Garbage Chute
Laughing at Politicians...not with them.
The Political Garbage Chute
Laughing at Politicians...not with them.
Totally Bulls*it News
Mostly Bulls*it Opinions
The Political Garbage Chute
Laughing at Politicians...not with them.
Totally Bulls*it News
Marjorie Taylor Greene Says Greenland “Would Be Lucky” if Trump Ran It Like One of His Casinos
Totally Bulls*it News
James Schlarmann
March 6, 2025
"...I really think this is one of His Royal Fart-Napper's best ideas yet..." - Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (KKK-GA) Greenlanders, by and large, do not...
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Totally Bulls*it News
Donald Trump Demands ‘Non-Stop Oral’ For CNN Debate Appearance
Not only does he want five million bucks, Donald Trump wants something a lot more personal to appear at the next CNN debate.
James Schlarmann
December 2, 2015
Totally Bulls*it News
Shock: Obama Admits ‘As a Democrat’ He Is In the KKK
President Obama finally confirms one of the oldest Republican talking points abou t
James Schlarmann
December 1, 2015
Totally Bulls*it News
Sarah Palin: I Saw American Muslims Celebrating From My Backyard on 9/11
Sarah Palin rides to Donald Trump's rhetorical rescue.
James Schlarmann
December 1, 2015
Totally Bulls*it News
Ted Cruz Says Satan Is a Democrat, Satan Says Ted Cruz is a Demonic C**t
Ted Cruz gets a verbal smackdown from the Devil.
James Schlarmann
December 1, 2015
Totally Bulls*it News
NRA Spokesman: Armed Fetuses Might Have Prevented Planned Parenthood Shooting
Could the Planned Parenthood shooting have been stopped if the fetuses inside were armed?
James Schlarmann
November 30, 2015
Totally Bulls*it News
GoFundMe Set Up For Daleiden’s, Fiorina’s Sleeping Pills
After the Planned Parenthood shooting, a crowd funding effort has begun to help Carly Fiorina and David Daleiden sleep at night.
James Schlarmann
November 30, 2015
Totally Bulls*it News
Out of Gravy, Carly Fiorina Uses Blood of Planned Parenthood Victims For Thanksgiving Leftovers
When she found herself without gravy, Carly Fiorina conveniently found something else to smother her leftovers in.
James Schlarmann
November 30, 2015
Totally Bulls*it News
Ted Cruz Shouts ‘Fu*k Reality!’ as He Implies Colorado Springs Shooter is a Liberal
Ted Cruz has some interesting thoughts as to the motives of the man who carried out the Planned Parenthood shooting.
James Schlarmann
November 30, 2015
Totally Bulls*it News
Ben Carson: I Would Have Had the Fetuses Help Me Overtake Colorado Springs Shooter
Ben Carson says he would have overtaken the Colorado Springs Shooter with a little help from his unborn friends.
James Schlarmann
November 29, 2015
Totally Bulls*it News
Daesh: We Are ‘Hella Impressed’ With The Gun Lobby’s ‘Soft Terrorism’
After the Colorado Springs shooting at a Planned Parenthood, Daesh released a statement commending America's gun lobby.
James Schlarmann
November 28, 2015
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