Totally Bulls*it News

Oh Cool, I’m Blogging About Politics Again. Can Anyone Remember Why?

A long time ago, in a country that feels a million miles away now, I started this stupid little website because as I was...

Matt Gaetz Mocks Biden For Not Licking a Single Authoritarian Dictator’s Taint Yet

"I bet Sleepy Joe doesn't even KNOW where Kim Jong-Un's G-spot is!"

Moron Leader Gives His Idiot Cult Permission to Get Vaccinated From Disease He Downplayed

After weeks of silence, the MAGA cult's idiotic leader has finally given them permission to get their covid-19 vaccine.

Fauci Warns Rand Paul With or Without a Mask, People Can Still Tell He’s a ‘Twat-Waffle’

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- One thing has become increasingly clear over the...

DeSantis to Write Memoir: “How to Let 33,000 People Die and Still Be Considered a Success”

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (Q) has been taking a victory lap...

Bongino Honors Limbaugh By Getting Hooked on Oxy and Doinking Underage Dominican Prostitutes

"Nobody loves above the fold, unapologetic hypocrisy like Rush Limbaugh fans."

Cherokee County Sheriff Once Said Ted Bundy Had ’30 Bad Days for Him’

"I don't know that Bundy was motivated by any hatred for women."

Doughy Senator Defends White Supremacist’s Right to Mock Women Who Could Kick Their Asses

Ted Cruz wants to know why military officials would defend their own instead of letting Tucker Carlson bash them.

Is It Antifa or Cancel Culture’s Fault You Keep Getting In Trouble for The Things You Say And Do?

Sure, you could stop saying and doing things that are offensive, but why would you do something mature when you can blame Antifa or cancel culture instead?