

Steve Bannon Wants You to Send Him Copies of Obama’s and Hillary’s Books While He’s in Prison

"I aggressively fantasize about both of them in my dreams." After writing about politics for...

Ashley’s Diary, Hunter’s Laptop, Obama’s Birth Certificate, and the Bible: All the Facts I Need

The following editorial was written by right-wing commentator and Trump 2024 surrogate Dustin Pewpsin....

Mexico Offers to Pay for Trump’s Movers

MEXICO CITY, MEXICO -- The Mexican government has offered to foot the bill for...

Mexico Sends Final $0.00 Check For Trump’s Wall

The following story was originally filed by Alternative Facts. MEXICO CITY, MEXICO -- When he...

Mexico Sends $0.00 Check For Last Wall Payment

MEXICO CITY, MEXICO -- When he ran for president in 2015 and 2016, outgoing-lame...

Mexico Offers to Pay to Remove Trump’s White House Wall

DELAWARE -- The Joe Biden presidential campaign received a letter from the Federal Government...

Mexico Updates Trump On How Much They’ve Paid For His Wall So Far

MEXICO CITY, MEXICO -- The government of Mexico reportedly sent the White House an...

Mexican Government Releases Detailed Audit of How Much They’ve Paid for Trump’s Wall So Far

MEXICO CITY, MEXICO -- The federal government of Mexico has published an extremely detailed...

White House Caters Cinco de Mayo Luncheon with Taco Bell

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- The Trump administration continued its recent trend of catering events at...

All 56 Mexican Countries Reaffirm Commitment to Never Pay for Trump’s Wall

A letter has been delivered to President Donald J. Trump at the White House,...

Trump Orders Space Force to Build Space Wall

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- During a radio interview on WKKK-FM, Donald Trump Jr. accidentally let...

White Serial Rapist/Murderer Supports Trump Wall So “Illegal Immigrants Don’t Steal” His Job

FORTUITO BLANCO, NORTH DAKOTA -- 36 Year old Chad Biffington is a serial rapist...

Trump Says He’ll Have Mexican American Soldiers Pay For His Southern Wall

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- During the 2016 presidential campaign, one of now President Trump's most...

Mexico Offers To Pay For Pest Control Service To Remove ‘La Cucaracha Naranja Gigante’ From The White House

"Your apricot-tinged president's proposal for Mexico to pay for his unnecessary and ineffective border wall has been and will continue to be rejected."

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Steve Bannon Wants You to Send Him Copies of Obama’s and Hillary’s Books While He’s in Prison

"I aggressively fantasize about both of them in my dreams." After writing about politics for...

Ashley’s Diary, Hunter’s Laptop, Obama’s Birth Certificate, and the Bible: All the Facts I Need

The following editorial was written by right-wing commentator and Trump 2024 surrogate Dustin Pewpsin....

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