

For Conservatives, Fart Naps Are Quickly Replacing Power Naps

"While some might casually observe the irony in someone who belittles his opponent as...

Surely, We Don’t Expect Republicans to Suck Their Cult Leader Off All The Way from D.C.?

"Does anyone know how hard it is to have a long-distance relationship, much less...

Trump Says That He Misses Blaming His Farts on Sarah Huckabee Sanders

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Sister publication The Political Garbage Chute reported last week that recent...

Trump Misses Blaming Farts on Sarah Huckabee Sanders

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- While taking a stroll on the grounds of the White House...

Man Invents Device for Translating Farts and Donald Trump

EDISON FALLS, IDAHO -- Nicholas Tesler describes himself as an "amateur tinkerer" and he...

Trump Gets Terrible Case of Freedom Gas and Blames Farts On Sarah Huckabee Sanders

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- President Donald Trump ate "way, way, way too many chilli dogs"...

Amazon Working On Rectal Recognition Software So You Always Know Who Dealt It

(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || ).push({}); SEATTLE, WASHINGTON -- Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos announced today that...

Man Doesn’t Deny He Dealt It, But Callously Refuses To Smellt It

RUSTY WIND FALLS, MINNESOTA -- Everyone in the room knew he did it, Bob...

Conservative Commentator Wonders If Hillary Will Apologize Husband’s White House Farts

"Harvey Weinstein probably doesn't wanna end up on Killary's totally real, totally confirmed kill list."

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For Conservatives, Fart Naps Are Quickly Replacing Power Naps

"While some might casually observe the irony in someone who belittles his opponent as...

Surely, We Don’t Expect Republicans to Suck Their Cult Leader Off All The Way from D.C.?

"Does anyone know how hard it is to have a long-distance relationship, much less...

A Firehose That Spews Diarrhea Told Me It’s Been Holding Mock Debates With Joe Biden

"...I'm not Harvey Keitel or Bobby DeNiro or anything, but I guess all that...

I Interviewed the Condom Donald Trump Didn’t Use When He Ivanka’d Stormy Daniels

"Prophylactic Americans have senses just like everyone else. And would YOU want to ever...