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Pat Robertson ‘Pretty Sure a Tranny Pooping in Comfort’ Is Why God Allowed Houston...

Pat Robertson has an interesting theory on the Houston flooding.

Pat Robertson: God Will Send Hurricanes to All 50 States If ‘Gays Keep Getting...

Pat Robertson says the South Carolina flooding is to be blamed on gay marriage, and that more states will flood soon too.

Mitch McConnell Wonders If There Really Is A God If He Won’t Let Millions...

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is in the middle of an epic existential crisis, feeling forsook by his lord and savior.

To Remind Scott Baio That Cancer Exists, God Renames It “Scott Baio”

God and Jesus aren't really big fans of Scott Baio after the actor made some rather insensitive comments about a former co-star's death.

God Tells Michele Bachmann If The Anti-Christ Were Real He’d Be The ‘Narcissist You...

Former congresswoman Michele Bachmann and Larry "God" Schumway have very different opinions on what true Christianity looks like.

Paul Ryan Praying God Lets Him Rob Poor People Of Their Access To Doctors...

Speaker of the House Paul Ryan is reaching out to a higher power to help him take away essential health access from poor people.

God: Americans Who Support Taking 24 Million Poor People’s Health Coverage Away ‘Not Eligible’...

God and his son Jesus "Hubert" are none too pleased with Americans calling themselves "Christian" and then taking things from the sick and poor.

God, Jesus Comment On Trump’s Budget: ‘Fuck That Un-Christian Pile Of Fucking Shit’

God and Jesus just got a look at the details behind Donald Trump's budget. They have some strongly stated opinions and concerns.

God To Send His Son Back As “Refu-Jesus” To Teach Americans How To Be...

Just how Christian are American Christians? Apparently if you ask God or his son, the answer is, "Not effing very." The more you know.

God To Pat Robertson: “Fuck Donald Trump And Also Fuck You, Pharisee Bitch!”

God has a special message for one of his employees, televangelist Pat Robertson. The message is...not so nice, really.