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God To Renew Just 20% Of Alabama Republicans’ Christian Memberships

"This guy takes the hypocritical taco."

God Issues Apology to Bill O’Reilly For ‘Showing Humanity What a Scumbag Sexual Predator’...

"Yeah, I'm just absolutely wounded on behalf of Bill for this."

God Apologizes to Bill O’Reilly For ‘Showing Humanity What a Scumbag Sexual Predator’ He...

"Yeah, I'm just absolutely wounded on behalf of Bill for this."

Televangelist Pat Robertson Warns God Will Destroy America if Scouts Let Girls Play With...

"Thou shall not teach thine girls valuable life skills at the same time as boys in an extracurricular activity."

Pat Robertson Warns God Will Destroy America if Scouts Let Girls Play With Boys

"Thou shall not teach thine girls valuable life skills at the same time as boys in an extracurricular activity."

God Tells Pat Robertson: No One Respects Trump ‘So Shut Up You Doddering Douche’

Televangelist Pat Robertson believes God punished America for disrespecting Trump by allowing the Las Vegas shooting to happen. God disagrees.

Kirk Cameron Gives God Credit For Hurricanes, Satan Takes Credit for Kirk Cameron

Satan has revealed a secret business relationship with one of Hollywood's most lovable, formerly relevant child actors turned Jesus freaks.

Betsy DeVos: “I Don’t Care About Women Getting Raped Until God Makes a Baby...

Education Secretary Betsy DeVos recently told attendees at a prayer breakfast why she ended Obama era guidelines for campus sexual assault.

God Wonders How Joel Osteen Failed At Flood Response Because He’s a Christian

Televangelist Joel Osteen kept his megachurch shut to victims of Hurricane Harvey for a short time, and that made God pretty mad.

Pat Robertson ‘Pretty Sure a Tranny Pooping in Comfort’ Is Why God Allowed Houston...

Pat Robertson has an interesting theory on the Houston flooding.