Totally Bulls*it News

Jesus Told Me Only “Fascist Incel Dorks” Don’t Like Separation of Church and State

"We told them to pay Caesar what's due to Caesar for a reason. Me-stianity and politics don't mix." Jesus Hubert Christ is not a fan of Project...

Trey Gowdy Disappointed Chanting ‘Benghazi’ Three Times Doesn’t Make Hillary Clinton Appear

Trey Gowdy took time away from his Hogwarts class reunion to talk about his Benghazi probe.

Koch Industries- ‘We’re Just Looking For the Best Government Money Can Buy’

Money can't buy you everything; unless you're a Koch. Then, it pretty much can.

Reince Priebus On 2016: ‘F**k It, Let’s Make Ourselves Look CRAZIER Than 2012!’

Does Sarah Palin, Donald Trump and Mitt Romney all vying the GOP nod in 2016 worry Reince Priebus in the slightest?

Ted Cruz Says Female Ghostbusters Don’t Need Equal Pay

Ted Cruz isn't so sure female Ghostbusters need to get paid as much as their male counterparts.

Election 2016: Huckabee –10 Commandments in Classrooms Will Prevent Bullying and Cure AIDS

Does Mike Huckabee really think school prayer can stop school shootings? Does he really think the 10 Commandments can cure AIDS?

The Sarah Palin 2016 Travel Log Entry #1: Ft. Trestle, Indiana

The first installment of Sarah Palin's 2016 campaign travel log.

Ted Cruz: Obama’s Northeastern Blizzard ‘Proves Climate Change is Liberal Hogwash’

Does Senator Ted Cruz really believe that the big northeastern snow storm that pounded the area is proof that climate change isn't real?

“Why I Should Be President” by Sarah Palin

An op-ed from Sarah Palin, making her case for the presidency in 2016.

Senate Republicans to White-Out Three-Fifths Compromise From Original Constitution

Not content to simply whitewash the Senate torture memo, are Senate Republicans really gearing up to make much bigger changes to the Constitution regarding slavery?

Wisconsin Democrats to Propose ‘Pass and Piss on The Piss-Ant’ Law

Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker wants to drug test welfare recipients, despite overwhelming evidence it does nothing but waste money, are Dems in his state are fighting back?