Totally Bulls*it News

Greenlander Would Rather Not Lose Universal Healthcare to Join “Shit Hole” Country

"Why would we want to join a shit hole country that doesn't even give us basic human health services like every other developed nation?" When...

Libertarian Wonders: Do Poor People Really Suffer If They Have Refrigerators?

Are poor people really living in poverty if they can keep their food fresher, longer? This libertarian believes if you have a fridge, you're not so bad off.

Rand Paul’s Next Campaign Stunt: Eat and Then Defecate The Tax Code

Campaign stunts are Rand Paul's bread and butter.

Oil Tycoon Explains Why The Rich Can’t Afford More Taxes But Can Give Billions to Campaigns

A different view of campaign finance issues from a wealthy oil tycoon.

Donald Trump Stump Speech Breaks Out At Klan Rally

A run of the mill Klan rally turns into a political spectacle at the hands of Donald Trump.

Cooking and Cocking: 5 Kitchen Tips for Your Gun From Wayne LaPierre

An excerpt from Wayne LaPierre's new cooking book, "Cooking and Cocking."

Citing “Senioritis,” Obama Decides to Stay In Afghanistan

President Obama has decided to leave troops in Afghanistan after his departure from office after all.

Jim Webb Was Sent Back in Time to Protect John Connor

Jim Webb makes a surprise announcement following the debates.

Republican Confused By Lack of Xenophobia In Democratic Debate

One Republican is furious at the dearth of xenophobia put on display by Democrats in their first debate.

Town Democrat ‘Really Impressed’ With Hillary Clinton’s Slick Mastery of Politics

One man says Hillary Clinton's slick, pre-packaged styling is much more important than substance and ideological consistency.

Mike Huckabee: Please Let Me Indian Give My Asian Joke!

Mike Huckabee would like to take back the Asian joke he made during the first televised Democratic debate.