Totally Bulls*it News

Greenlander Would Rather Not Lose Universal Healthcare to Join “Shit Hole” Country

"Why would we want to join a shit hole country that doesn't even give us basic human health services like every other developed nation?" When...

Conservative Gun Lover Can’t Figure Out Why Gasoline Didn’t Put Out His House Fire

One gun lover's harrowing ordeal trying to extinguish the flames engulfing his home.

Ben Carson Stays at Ritz-Carlton, Wonders Where All the Crackers Are Kept

Ben Carson has another mix-up just hours after continually mixing-up Hamas and hummus.

Obama’s Communist Policies Net Capitalist American Economy 211,00 New Jobs

The extreme communism of President Barack Obama garnered the American capitalist economy 211,000 new jobs in November 2015.

Obama’s Gun Confiscation Count: Week #356

After the latest mass shootings this week, will Obama's gun confiscation claim YOUR freedom cannon?

Libertarian: 355 Mass Shootings in Less Than a Year ‘Too Soon’ to Talk About Gun Control

How many mass shootings is mass shootings to talk about mass shootings? One libertarian says he'll let us know.

First World Country Club Considering Booting U.S. Over Gun Violence

Gun violence in America has gotten so ubiquitous that one esteemed association of nations is considering kicking the U.S. out.

Republican ‘Relieved’ San Bernardino Shooters Had ‘Muslim-esque’ Names

When the San Bernardino shooters were ID'd as having Muslim sounding names, this Republican was quite relieved.

Wayne LaPierre Says U.S. Just ‘200 Million More Guns Away’ From Ending Gun Violence

Wayne LaPierre has done the math and figured out we only 200 million more guns to solve gun violence in America.

San Bernardino Files Paperwork To Be Declared a Muslim Country

The city of San Bernardino has filed paperwork to be a Muslim country, now that a terrorist attack has occurred there.

NRA Spokesman Reassures Public: San Bernardino Guns Are Safe and Unscathed

An NRA spokesman has some "good" news related to the San Bernardino mass shooting.