Totally Bulls*it News

Saying “Gulf of America” is How Pedophiles Are Identifying Each Other Now

"...I think my old friend Jeff Epstein would get a kick out of this, too, because we used to fly over the Gulf on...

I Sold Tucker The Butt Dildo He Needs to Get Hard. He Didn’t Seem Worried About Masculinity. Tucker Carlson needs a healthy prostate massage to get an erection....

Ivanka, Jared, Eric, and Don Jr ‘Disappointed’ Hunter Biden Used His Name for Personal Gain

If there is one thing that everyone knows about the crotch-fruit...

Heidi Cruz Asks Trump For Ted’s Balls Back So He Can Suntan Them

Fox News host, and White Nationalist Magazine's "Nazi Cuntwhistle of the...

Florida Bans Education

Education of any kind is now completely and fully illegal within...

Democrats Will Just Debate a Literal Sack of Shit in 2024

This week, the Republican National Committee officially ended its relationship with...

Coat Hangers and Bleach Pass Meth and Busch Beer as Florida’s Highest Selling Products

Just days after Gov. Ron DeSantis (Q-FL) signed a sweeping, new...