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Local Woman Anxious For Hatred Among Fellow Americans To Return To Pre-Trump Levels

LAKE GILMOUR, FLORIDA — Scholars and historians seem to agree, the 2016 presidential election was a particularly brutal one. Though going as far back as the historical contests between Thomas Jefferson and John Adams those fighting for occupancy of the White House have slung proverbial mud at each other, the fight between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump stirred up some particularly cantankerous and vitriolic rancor among the American people.

One woman, 36 year old Helen Snow, told readers of her blog this week that she is “ready for Americans to go back to hating each other at pre-Trump levels.”

“I just can’t wait until this presidency is over and we can get back to hating each other at normal levels,” Snow wrote on her award-winning blog, adding that she wanted the animus between the left and right zones of the American political spectrum to get back to “respectful, historical levels of disdain and disrespect for each other’s viewpoints.”

Snow wrote that as Americans “we always respect each other’s liberties and freedoms just enough to call each other stupid when we express ourselves” but since Trump entered the the political scene, Ms. Snow posits that the “vitriol and hate-filled rhetoric” has gone from “its normal position on the dial to eleven.”

“Or even twelve,” Snow wrote, “Hell, maybe a thousand.”

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Snow’s piece pines after the “tried and true American tradition” to “mock and disrespect” each other’s political views. She insists that a “healthy, baseline distrust of your opponent’s proposals” is good, but that things have changed with Trump. Snow writes that “the kinds of people Trump has been inspiring to activate and unabashedly proclaim their racist, sexist, xenophobic views” is dangerous to the stability of the country.

“For over 240 years we have had bitterly contested elections that ultimately result in a rather peaceful transition of power between parties,” Snow wrote, “but thanks to that orange windbag, there’s an element of actual danger and threats of violence out there. For him to say there are good people among Nazis, or to not even acknowledge the MAGABomber’s inspiration was his words? It takes things in this country to a really, really bad place.”

Helen says she’s not looking for the country to turn on a dime and love one another from across the aisle. Instead, she argues that “simply returning to a time and place where the left and right mocked each other’s views without calling each other’s humanity, dignity, or lineage into question” would be more than enough for her.

“We don’t have to hold hands sing fucking kumbaya here,” Snow concludes, “I’m just saying that right now two fans of the same sports team probably would have a hard time sitting next to each other at the stadium if one’s a progressive and the other is a misguided, defacto white nationalist who supports that angry orangutan.”

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Writer/comedian James Schlarmann is the founder of The Political Garbage Chute and his work has been featured on The Huffington Post. You can follow James on Facebook, Spotify, and Instagram, but not Twitter because they have a definition of hate speech that includes “calling Ann Coulter the C-word.”

James’ newest satirical compilation is out now and available from Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and soon at WalMart.com.

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