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Mitch McConnell

Betrayal? RFK’s Brain Worms Just Endorsed Donald Trump

"Much like how an Evangelical Christian can read the Bible and not know anything...

Every Former President Ranked from Least to Most Felony Convictions

Our regular readers will likely recall that part of our mission statement here --...

Obama Offers to Trade SCOTUS Pick for Second Amendment

Obama reportedly has an offer for Mitch McConnell on his SCOTUS nomination.

Mitch McConnell Offers President Obama ‘Three-Fourths’ Compromise on SCOTUS Pick

Mitch McConnell offers Obama a compromise on Scalia's replacement.

Obama Releases Shortlist of Scalia Replacements: All Muslim Americans

Obama releases a trial balloon list of Scalia replacements.

Obama Offers Republicans To Get Hillary Clinton Out Of The Election By Nominating Her For Scalia’s Seat

President Obama offers an interesting deal to Republicans for Scalia's seat.

Obama to Resign Presidency to Biden Who Will Nominate Him to Supreme Court

A newly leaked Obama memo may exposed a new conspiracy that right-wingers need to be aware of.

LEAKED MEMO: Obama Meets McConnell, Boehner to Discuss Becoming Tyrannical

Are Obama, McConnell, and Boehner secretly planning to make every militia member's wettest dreams come true?

Mitch McConnell: Let’s Make Obama a Three Term President!

Why does Mitch McConnell all of a sudden want a man who had hoped to limit to one term to have a THIRD term?!

Congressional Republicans Hastily Trying to Repeal Donald Trump

Can Boehner and McConnell successfully repeal Donald Trump?

Ted Cruz/Mitch McConnell Announce Plan to ‘F**k It Out’

Ted Cruz and Mitch McConnell may not like each other, but will that doesn't mean they can't bury the hatchet in a very sexy way.

Ted Cruz: U.S. Calls ‘Dibs’ on Mars’ Water Supply, Will Charge Rest of Galaxy For Access

Scientists have found the first evidence of liquid water on Mars, and Senator Ted Cruz calls "finders/keepers."

Senate GOP to Declare U.S. Dominion Over Mars’ Nitrogen Supply

There's nitrogen on Mars, and Senate Republicans want to harvest it for America and America only.

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Betrayal? RFK’s Brain Worms Just Endorsed Donald Trump

"Much like how an Evangelical Christian can read the Bible and not know anything...

Every Former President Ranked from Least to Most Felony Convictions

Our regular readers will likely recall that part of our mission statement here --...

When Will Biden Call Off His War on Rapey Conmen Coup Conspirators?

The following editorial was written by Jethro Bohiggins -- a pro-MAGA singer/songwriter and podcast...

The RNC Will Officially Change Its Platform to Be Very, Very, Very, Very Soft on Crime

"...you need to do what happens to my TOTALLY NORMAL AND ABOVE-AVERAGE LENGTH PEEN...