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Study: Mansplaining is Effective Contraceptive

NEW YORK, NEW YORK -- A groundbreaking new scientific study has been released by the National Institute of Procreation Prevention Services may just change...

California Dispensary Returns Jeff Sessions’ Lost ID

EL DORADO VERDE  VALLEY, CALIFORNIA -- Earlier this month, Attorney General Jeff Sessions made a visit to Sacramento and formally announced that the Trump...

5 Scientific Reasons Stephen Hawking Was Hung Like A Horse

(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || ).push({}); Stephen Hawking is dead. The world is now mourning the loss of one of the most brilliant, some may say "gifted,"...

Company Recalls Tammy Lahren Sex Doll Because Its Mouth Never Stops Moving

"Your doll can only bite so many rednecks' dicks off before you have to do something about it."

Sorry Libs, You Have to Honor The Stupid Ones on Presidents Day, Too!

The following op-ed was written by Dustin Pewpsin, a conservative commentator. The views and opinions expressed herein are those of Mr. Pewpsin, and not...

Gazpacho Police Announce Massive Counterfeit Oyster Cracker Bust

https://youtu.be/hqWJDFRyc2w WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Nancy Pelosi's personal law enforcement squad, the Gazpacho Police, held a press conference today to announce what their chief called the...

Greene Decries ‘Cancel Culture and Fascism’ as She Chucks a Copy of “Maus” Into...

INCESTLAND, GEORGIA -- Recently, a school board in Texas gained notoriety when it ordered the graphic novel "Maus" removed from its school libraries, effectively...

Will Republican Interns Still Be Able to Get Abortions After the Supreme Court Overturns...

This morning, the Supreme Court told abortion providers in Texas they can continue to challenge the state's 6-week abortion ban, but still let the...

Biden Signs Presidential Declaration Stating “All Holidays Matter”

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- In an official signing ceremony held in the Oval Office, President Joe Biden declared that for the next 365 days, "all...

Elon Musk Is Clearly a Better Person Than Bernie Sanders, and Here Are 5...

One of Twitter's hottest beefs of the last month has been between Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont, and billionaire Elon Musk. Musk has been...