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Princess Celestia Declares Ivermectin Shortage in the Pony Realm

CANTERLOT, EQUESTRIA --  In an early morning press release issued today, Head of State Princess Celestia congratulated Big Bird on their recent vaccination. "We celebrate...

Santa Claus Will Require Proof of Vaccination Before Delivering Toys This Year

THE NORTH POLE -- Elected officials like Sen. Ted Cruz (Q-Cancun) and Rep. Marjhorsey Taylor Greene (Q-GA) are seething, lashing out on social media...

Man Wants Statue ‘Dedicated to Another Traitor Who Lost’ After Robert E. Lee’s Removal

RICHMOND, VIRGINIA -- After 131 years, a monument to General Robert E. Lee, who led forces against the United States during the Civil War,...

Biden Administration Working With Local Churches and Klan Chapters to Get MAGAs Vaccinated

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Getting more Americans vaccinated against COVID-19 and its rapidly moving delta variant is a key initiative of the Biden administration. Since...

Fauci Says He’s Never Heard of a Virology Lab in Any Crossfit Gym

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Freshman Congresshorse Marjorie Taylor Greene (Q-GA) wants Americans to ignore the advice of Dr. Anthony Fauci and instead listen to her....

Alien Confirms UFO Report But Denies Report MTG is of His Species

For decades, Americans have wondered about what evidence about unidentified flying objects -- UFOs -- their government has collected. Humankind has wondered since time...

GA Accuses Greene of Taking Tax Deductions on Two Separate Home Meth Labs

ATLANTA, GEORGIA -- The State of Georgia is accusing one of its own congressional representatives of illegally taking a tax deduction on two separate...

5 Things Those Out of Control Libs Will Never Cancel

Those wacky libs will never cancel these five ESSENTIAL parts of American life, no matter how hard they try.

High Energy Alpha Male Too Chickenshit to Testify Under Oath About the Insurrection He...

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- In the late 1990's President William Jefferson Clinton was ensnared in a political scandal that could have ended his presidency, and...

Op-Ed: Won’t Somebody Do Something About Trumpists Losing Their Social Media Followers?!

The following editorial was written by Bill Dickerdolldildo. Mr. Dickerdolldildo is the social media manager for The Washington Cornholer, a right-leaning newspaper. He is...