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Evangelicals for Trump Releases List of “10 Best Pussy Grabbin’ Moments From The Bible”

It's no big secret that one key to the political success of Donald Trump has been his ability to count on the support of...

Ted Cruz: “Why Do Democrats Cry Over Terrorists From Other Countries But Vilify the...

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) was absolutely brutalized by then-candidate Donald Trump during the 2016 Republican primary. Trump accused Cruz's father of...

McConnell: “American Justice is a Fair Trial Where the Jury is Corrupt, Evidence is...

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Though the impeachment process is laid out clearly in the United States Constitution, the when, where, why, and how of it...

McConnell Calls For ‘Socialist, Libtard Cucks Who Elected Blacky McDemocrat’ to Unify Behind Trump’s...

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell took to the Senate floor yesterday and blasted Democrats not vocally supporting the drone strike killing...

Ted Nugent: “If George Lopez Wants to Joke About Killing Presidents, He Has to...

WASHED-UP HAS BEEN LAKE, MICHIGAN -- Comedian George Lopez recently enraged pro-Trump Americans when he jokingly said on Instagram that he'd accept half the...

Trump Orders Additional “K” Added To Hanukkah to “Make Jew Christmas Great Again”

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Today, in an Oval Office signing ceremony attended by American Christian luminaries like David Duke and the Westboro Baptist Church, President...

Clinton Circling Roger Stone’s Court Proceeding Shouting “Gonna Lock Him Up!”

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton and her late model sedan have made yet another surprise appearance, this time outside...

POLL: Fucking Seriously?, No, Hillary. Don’t.

A new poll of just about everyone everywhere shows a striking result: Fucking seriously, no, Hillary. Don't. It would appear that, at least according to...

President Requires Dirt on Joe Biden Before Pardoning Any Turkeys

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- For many years, a time honored tradition of American politics has been to have the sitting President of the United States...

Hillary Clinton Offers To Represent President Trump In His Impeachment Trial

NEW YORK, NEW YORK -- Former Secretary of State, and winner of the 2016 presidential election if presidential elections were run like literally every...