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President Donald Trump - search results

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Trump Says He’ll Get A Bigger Crowd Out To His Christmas T Lighting

"I could have sworn they told me I'd be lighting up a big T."

All Six People Who Saw Trump’s Tree Lighting Agree It Was “Pretty Fantastically Meh”

"I thought I was here to see a Pink Floyd laser show."

Report: Obama Still Secretly Questions Trump’s Human Birth Certificate

A BUNKER DEEP BELOW SOROS-NET, INC. -- Secretly recorded meetings between former President Barack Obama, his wife/transgender beard and Satan worshiping, deep fried food...

TIME Offers Trump New, Slightly Different “Participation Award”

"Frankly, we thought it would be an insult to both garbage and people if we didn't give this one to Trump."

Area Moron Turns Off 24/7 Uranium One Coverage, Explains Why Trump Is Right: Everyone...

COLD CAVE HILLS, TENNESSEE -- Right-wing podcaster and his hometown's favorite moron, Jethro Bohiggins, told his audience this morning that a tweet sent by...

Trump Says Access Hollywood Tape Was Planted By Ben Gozzi To Discredit Roy Moore

"It's the only theory that makes any sense, really."

Trump: “The Access Hollywood Tape Is As Real As My First Lady’s Orgasms”

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- In a surprising development, President Donald Trump has reportedly begun telling close advisers and elected officials that he believes the infamous...

Local Mouth Breather Thinks Egypt Should Implement Trump’s Muslim Ban After Mosque Attack

"Clearly what the cucks don't want us to see is that Muslim bans work."