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Bob Mueller Apologizes to Country for His Coup’s Last Minute Decision to Clear Trump...

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Critics of President Donald Trump have lambasted him for he continues to characterize the work done by FBI Special Counsel Robert...

Sanctuary Cities to Move Illegal Immigrants Dumped on Them by The White House to...

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- The battle between the Trump administration and so-called "sanctuary cities" is really starting to heat up. It was revealed in a newspaper...

Trump Charity Accused of Stealing Donations Meant for Kids With Windmill Cancer

NEW YORK, NEW YORK -- The Trump Pediatric Windmill Cancer Foundation has been formally accused by the State of New York of misappropriating funds...

Barr Investigating If Obama Administration Forced Trump to Be Lifelong Lying Conman and Racist...

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Earlier this year, during Senate testimony, William Barr -- Attorney General and designer of President Trump's latest model of handbags designed...

Trump Asks Ben Carson if He’s ‘Friends With’ the Black Hole in NASA’S Picture

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Yesterday, NASA released the very first images of a black hole ever. Reaction to the photo was largely positive, though Fox...

Americans Disappointed To Find Out Trump Won’t Be On Falcon Heavy Launch

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- As SpaceX, billionaire inventor Elon Musk's aerospace company, readies to launch a Saudi communications satellite on its next Falcon Heavy mission...

Dozens of Secret Service Members Volunteer to Be Next Ones Fired from Trump Administration

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- This week, President Donald Trump's administration saw quite a shakeup in the Department of Homeland Security. DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen was asked...

Trump Charity Accused of Stealing Donations Meant for Kids With Windmill Cancer

NEW YORK, NEW YORK -- The Trump Pediatric Windmill Cancer Foundation has been formally accused by the State of New York of misappropriating funds...

Trump Wants Ann Coulter as Next DHS Secretary

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Over the weekend, Department of Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen tendered her resignation, signalling yet another departure from President Donald Trump's...

Trump Says Democrats Want ‘Unlimited Post-Arousal Abortions’

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- President Donald Trump had a relatively convivial relationship with Congress for the first two years of his presidency, however the shellacking...