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Trump Asks Ivanka To Be ‘Fill-in Melanie’

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- President Trump reached out his First Lady today and asked her to fulfill some of the duties of her stepmother, Melania...

“Roseanne” Cancellation Has Trump Worried Racist Tweets ‘Can Cost You Your Job Now’

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- A nervous and paranoid Donald Trump picked up the phone in the Oval Office and demanded that Chief of Staff John...

Ahead of Midterms, Trump Warns Dems: “You Can’t Impeach Me, David Dennison Took The...

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Today from within the Oval Office, President Donald Trump issued a warning to Democrats, should they recapture both the House and...

Trump To House Children Of Illegal Immigrants In New Kinder Koncentration Kamps

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- President Donald Trump is reportedly close to finalizing a plan to house the children of undocumented immigrants in new, specially built...

Trump: “What Was I Supposed To Do, NOT Hire Criminals With Deep Russian Contacts?”

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- As it becomes clear that Robert Mueller will not finish his investigation into Russian interference during  the 2016 presidential election before...

Trump Organization To Turn North Korean Summit Coins Into New Cryptocurrency “BitKKKoin”

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Despite being scrubbed, for now, the highly-anticipated summit between U.S. President Donald Trump and North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un inspired...

Pro-Trump Televangelist On Stormy Daniels: “It’s All Crooked Hillary and Barack Hussein Obama’s Fault!”...

HOLY OAK, VIRGINIA -- Televangelist and social conservative Rev. Bill Millen appeared on television this week and addressed the swirling controversy around President Donald...

Trump Supporter Joins Netflix Obama Boycott, Destroys Smart TV

HOBART, ARKANSAS -- Clem O'Connell told his podcast and YouTube audiences today that he was going to go to WalMart and buy a new...

President Trump Outraged ‘Wrong’ National Anthem Was Played At Royal Wedding

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- As President Donald Trump watched the royal wedding of Prince Henry Charles Albert David and Princess Meghan Markle, sources within the...

Excerpts From President Trump’s Nightly Bedtime Calls To Sean Hannity

This week, reporting in New York Magazine revealed that President Donald Trump and Fox News host Sean Hannity have a very intimate relationship. The relationship between...