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Trump Irate There Was No “Mission Accomplished” Banner On The White House When He...

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Sources within the White House are saying that President Donald Trump was absolutely livid and flew into an emotional tirade when...

Un, Trump Dispute Who Legitimized Whom’s Fascist, Authoritarian Kakistocracy

AIR FORCE ONE -- The earliest reports of the historic summit between President Donald Trump and North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un are that...

President Trump Pledges To Convert Entire Capital To Renewable White Power

SINGAPORE -- Hours before meeting for a historic summit between himself and North Korean Dictator Kim Jong Un, President Donald Trump has announced a...

Trump, Un Set ‘Hard And Fast’ Self-Fellatio Time Limit Ahead of Summit

SINGAPORE -- Representatives from President Donald Trump and North Korea's dictator Kim Jong Un announced via a joint statement today that they have agreed...

Trump Outraged Triple Crown Winner Justify Didn’t Have Hoof Over Heart During National Anthem

AIR FORCE ONE -- History was made this weekend when Justify became just the 13th horse in history to win the Triple Crown, but...

Leading Graduating Kindergartners, Trump Briefly Forgets Words to Pledge of Allegiance

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- This morning, President Donald Trump experienced a brief moment of confusion when leading a local graduating kindergarten class in the Pledge...

Betsy DeVos Sees Nothing Wrong At All With Trump Administration’s Grasp Of History

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- In less than a week's time, the Donald Trump administration has experienced two separate incidents that many would say show an...

On Call With Merkel, Trump Brings Up Taxation Without Representation

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- The White House announced today that it will be going over their world history flashcards with President Donald Trump after two...

Scott Pruitt Looking For Dead Planet He Had Stuffed In Trump Hotel Mattress

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- The scandal involving chief EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt's financial and administrative decisions shows no signs of going away any time soon. (adsbygoogle...

Eric Trump Worried He Won’t Get To Go Down Big Slide After McConnell Cancels...

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- A worried and anxious Eric Trump bounded into the Oval Office this morning, pushing past security and throwing the door open,...