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Greene: “I Will Never Back Down From Supporting Traditional Anglo-Moron Beliefs”

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Within hours of a draft proposal for a new “America First Caucus,” fronted by Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (Q-GA), the plan had been effectively put on ice. In a rare rebuke of one of their own, several prominent Republicans lambasted the America First Caucus, which the draft said would focus on preserving white European influences in American culture, and said it had no place in an inclusive party.

Though Ms. Greene would deny that the draft proposal represented any serious efforts to form a new congressional caucus, she also said today that she would’ve been “proud, humbled, and honored” to lead the America First Caucus, and had even “purchased a fine new white hood and robe” for the launch party.

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“Look, they can try to cancel me all they want. They already stripped me of my committee assignments, after all,” Greene conceded. “But let me be crystal meth clear. I won’t apologize for defending my heritage. I will never back down from supporting traditional Anglo-Moron beliefs.”

It’s been a busy and frustrating last week or so for Rep. Greene. Last week, as reported by our sister publication NotReally.NewsGreene’s attempts to rope Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) into a debate on the Green New Deal was met with a polite rejection, though AOC did suggest that Rep. Greene could find a debate sparring partner that would allow Greene to “punch her weight.”

“While Rep. Greene’s offer is surely enticing — who doesn’t like arguing with a ham salad in a designer dress after, all,” Ocasio-Cortez told reporters as she returned from lunch, “I’m going to have to decline the invitation. Anybody who wants to get the same vibe, though, is free to watch the Washington Generals debate the Harlem Globetrotters on the basketball court. Maybe Marjorie should punch her weight and debate a potato instead.” (NRN)

In a written statement, former President Donald Trump praised Greene’s attempt to start an America First Caucus, and called her a “true warrior and defender of moronic values.”

“There are few idiots more courageous and proud of their stupidity as my good, bigly friend Margarine Taylor Greene,” Trump said. “I encourage her to keep being stupid. I love uneducated people. Keep at it, Margo!”

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Writer/comedian James Schlarmann is the founder of The Political Garbage Chute and his work has been featured on The Huffington Post. You can follow James on Facebook, Spotify, and Instagram, but not Twitter because Twitter is a cesspool.

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