Totally Bulls*it News

Greenlander Would Rather Not Lose Universal Healthcare to Join “Shit Hole” Country

"Why would we want to join a shit hole country that doesn't even give us basic human health services like every other developed nation?" When...

Fox News Contributor Trying Hard to Simultaneously Insult Caitlyn Jenner But Gloat Over Her Being a Republican

One contributor for Fox News is struggling with which conservative agenda he should be most loyal to.

These Republicans Hate Government So Much, They Can’t Wait to Run It

Why do these Republicans hate government but want to run it all? We asked them, and here maybe are some of their answers.

MENSA Chief Vince Vaughn: ‘There Should Be Guns For Shooters to Steal Away in Every School’

Actor and smartest man alive Vince Vaughn wants there to be more guns in schools. Because adding more of the problem to a problem makes the problem go away.

Rick Santorum Vows to ‘Continue Pretending We Live In 1815’ If Supreme Court Okays Gay Marriage

Rick Santorum pledges to fight modernity with full force if its foisted upon him.

Dick Cheney: ‘Those FIFA Jerks Sure Do Belong Behind Bars, Am I Right?’

What might be Dick Cheney's thoughts on the FIFA indictments?

Obama to Unveil Birth Certificate, Details of Secret Communist/Sharia Takeover On Jan. 21, 2017

An explosive new document has been released. Will Obama let you read it?

Santorum, Carson, Huckabee, Cruz Plan Debate to Settle ‘Who Here Thinks About Gay Sex More?’

Campaign staffers from Rick Santorum 2016, Ben Carson 2016, Mike Huckabee...

Bernie Sanders Gives Speech Hillary ‘Plans to Crib From Heavily’

Bernie Sanders gave a rousing speech to start his presidential campaign, which excites Team have something to copy from.