Totally Bulls*it News

Greenlander Would Rather Not Lose Universal Healthcare to Join “Shit Hole” Country

"Why would we want to join a shit hole country that doesn't even give us basic human health services like every other developed nation?" When...

Religious Zealot: Doctored Videos Should Cost Millions of Women Vital Health Services

One Oklahoma woman explains why Planned Parenthood should lose all funding because of doctored videos.

Top 5 Donald Trump Campaign Songs

We asked Donald Trump to give us some ideas of his campaign songs, and he didn't disappoint.

Pat Robertson: ‘Get Ready for God To Start Smiting Actual Boy Scouts’

"Clearly, God does not operate on my time table," Robertson said, "because if he did, there'd be a whole lot more dead Godless amoral heathen liberals running around, that's for sure."

Rand Paul Fornicates With Copy of Tax Code

A new campaign publicity video shows Rand Paul in a compromised position with the U.S. tax code.

Ted Cruz/Mitch McConnell Announce Plan to ‘F**k It Out’

Ted Cruz and Mitch McConnell may not like each other, but will that doesn't mean they can't bury the hatchet in a very sexy way.

Thousands in Deep Red State Come to See Democratic Socialist With No Chance to Win Election

NEW ORLEANS, LOUISIANA -- There are few states redder than Louisiana...

Ted Cruz: Iran Nuclear Deal Is ‘Obama and Kerry Doing Two Holocausts To Israel’

Ted Cruz wanted to one-up and upstage Mike Huckabee after the evangelical former governor compared Obama and Kerry to Nazis.

NRA VP Wayne LaPierre’s Statement on Louisiana Theater Shooting

NRA Executive VP Wayne LaPierre has some thoughts on the Lafayette shooting.

Obama Gun Confiscation Count: Week #417

The gun-grabbing imperial presidency of Obama rages on.

Three Dead After Mass Second Amendment Demonstration at LA Theater

A patriot's Second Amendment display has cost two people and the patriot's life, injuring nine others.