Totally Bulls*it News

Greenlander Would Rather Not Lose Universal Healthcare to Join “Shit Hole” Country

"Why would we want to join a shit hole country that doesn't even give us basic human health services like every other developed nation?" When...

County Republican: ‘I’m Not Racist, I Just Don’t Like or Trust Foreigners or Mexicans!’

"Does it make me racist to have an irrational fear of new people coming here?"

Donald Trump Kicks Orphan, Surges in GOP Polls

Donald Trump kicked an orphan and a new poll shows that actually improved his standing with Republican voters.

Satan: ‘Huckabee Is One Evil F**k’

When The Chief Sin Officer of Hell thinks Huckabee is gross, maybe there's something to that.

Atheist Kentucky Clerk Cites ‘Deeply Held Irreligious Beliefs’ & Refuses to Marry Christians

One Kentucky clerk has decided to counter-protest Kim Davis, the county clerk still denying marriages to gay couples.

Obama’s Gun Confiscation Count: Week #420

When will Obama's Gun Confiscation come for YOUR gun?!

Jesus Christ: ‘It’s Cute’ When Conservative, Christian Americans Think Bernie’s Too Socialist

Jesus Christ: "They still have the balls to say they follow my teachings? Pfffft."

Ted Cruz: ‘It’s Time For a Sexual Inquisition!’

"We must ask ourselves if we truly trust women with their vaginae."

George W. Bush Farts in Elevator; Jeb! Blames Obama, Hillary

GLEN SPRINGS, NEW HAMPSHIRE -- Former Florida Governor and 2016 Republican...

Doesn’t Change A Thing: Crazy, Unelectable, SOCIALIST Surges To Top of NH Polls

A totally meaningless poll shows Bernie leading Hillary. Pffft. Like that means anything.