Totally Bulls*it News

Greenlander Would Rather Not Lose Universal Healthcare to Join “Shit Hole” Country

"Why would we want to join a shit hole country that doesn't even give us basic human health services like every other developed nation?" When...

Wild-Eyed Socialist Proposes Crazy Idea to Conservative College Crowd: Compromise

Some crazy guy visited a hardcore conservative Bible college and had the balls to suggest Americans should set aside their differences and work together.

Tea Partier: Sane, Compassionate Exit Speech Proves Rick Perry Unfit for Presidency

One Tea Party Republican explains why Rick Perry was just too darned nice to be president.

Trump to Offer Sarah Palin Secretary of ‘Educationizing’ Cabinet Position

Donald Trump may just have a special place in his administration for a certain half-term Alaskan governor.

House Republicans Admit to Smoking ‘Just Enough’ Crack Before Planned Parenthood Hearing

House Republicans needed to get in the "right frame of mind" to watch the highly edited Planned Parenthood sting videos.

Depressed Dick Cheney Pines For Another National Tragedy To Exploit

Dick Cheney gets sad on the anniversary of 9/11, but maybe not like the rest of us do.

Pope Francis Shows Liberal Side By Saying Women Can Be Forgiven For Making Their Own Decisions

Pope Francis says women who take control of their own bodies can be forgiven for that for that now.

Gay, Atheist Cop Cites Victims’ Religious Beliefs And Doesn’t Stop Vandalism at Baptist Church Picnic

Kim Davis' stand in Kentucky has inspired an equal and opposite reaction from a public servant in Arkansas.

Obama’s Gun Confiscation Count: Week #345

ZOMG! He's coming for your guns...we think...maybe. Probably. If it all works out.

Bummed-Out Bobby Jindal Arrives 24 Hours Too Late to Kim Davis Rally

Bobby Jindal missed the big Kim Davis rally, and he has a sad over it.

Mike Huckabee To Offer Kim Davis New ‘Secretary of Christianity’ Cabinet Role

Mike Huckabee and Kim Davis are besties, and now can the Huckster get a new job?