Totally Bulls*it News

Oh Cool, I’m Blogging About Politics Again. Can Anyone Remember Why?

A long time ago, in a country that feels a million miles away now, I started this stupid little website because as I was...

Ohio Republican Wants to Create Uterine Registry

One Republican says a new proposed law in Ohio that would force women who have abortions or miscarriages to bury or cremate the fetus doesn't go far enough.

Trump Starts Bashing Hillary with Crude Stick Figures

Donald Trump unveils a new way to talk trash on Hillary Clinton -- stick figures.

Chris Christie in New Hampshire: ‘I Give a Shit Where Kids Shit’

Chris Christie has an opinion about where kids relieve themselves, and he's not afraid to make it known.

Las Vegas AAA Chapter: You Stop a Bad Guy in a Car With a Good Guy in a Car

After a tragic Las Vegas crash involving a potentially under the influence driver, AAA will start lobbying for FEWER traffic and car-related laws.

Confused Lindsey Graham Staffer Didn’t Know Campaign Was Still Going

FLAT GROVE, SOUTH CAROLINA -- When Lincoln McTavish got word that...

Gun Nut Gets Alcohol Poisoning Trying to Sober Up With Gin

A gun nut tries to outsmart his body by sobering up with more alcohol.

Agrabah Preemptively Strikes Pearl Harbor

After nearly 50% of poll respondents said they'd support a U.S. bombing campaign there, Agrabah launches its own assault on America.

Obama’s Gun Confiscation Count: Week #358

A running tally of Obama's gun confiscation.

Wayne LaPierre Leaves His Wife for His Trusty Rifle

Wayne LaPierre is moving on after years of marriage.

Ben Carson’s Reaction to “Star Wars: The Force Awakens”: Where’s Spock and the TARDIS?

Ben Carson liked the new "Star Wars" film, but felt it was missing a couple key characters.