Totally Bulls*it News

Oh Cool, I’m Blogging About Politics Again. Can Anyone Remember Why?

A long time ago, in a country that feels a million miles away now, I started this stupid little website because as I was...

Dick Cheney, ISIS Argue Over Who Gets Credit For Baghdad Carbombs

SITH TEMPLE, CORUSCANT -- After claiming responsibility for the tragic twin car...

Obama’s Gun Confiscation Count: Week #386

A weekly count of the liberty lobbers stolen in Obama's Gun Confiscation Count.

FiveThirtyEight: 92% Chance Americans Will Consider 2016 Winner A ‘Total Douchebag’

The math whizzes at FiveThirtyEight have a new prediction for this year's election.

Gun Lobbyist Turned Away By Customer Service Because He Can’t Find Receipt For Congressman

"When we purchase congressmen, we expect them to run our programming consistently."

Colorado Man Sends Trey Gowdy $7 Million Invoice For ‘Two Year Long Hillary Attack Ad’

The man feels Gowdy spent $7 million on anti-Hillary campaign ad.

Trey Gowdy: Hillary Clinton Wasted $7 Million In Taxpayer Money ‘Not Being Guilty Of Anything’

Gowdy characterized Hillary Clinton as "stubbornly not criminal or treacherous."

House Benghazi Report Reveals Hillary Clinton Was Second Gunman On Grassy Knoll

The Benghazi Report also reveals she was behind Jar Jar Binks.

Racist Woman Is Tired Of Being Called Racist For Supporting A Racist For President

A racist woman is really upset at being called a racist for being a racist.