Totally Bulls*it News

Jesus Told Me Only “Fascist Incel Dorks” Don’t Like Separation of Church and State

"We told them to pay Caesar what's due to Caesar for a reason. Me-stianity and politics don't mix." Jesus Hubert Christ is not a fan of Project...

President-Elect Trump Confident Sarah Palin Can Handle Half A Term As VA Secretary

Sarah Palin is the woman for the half-job in Trump's eyes.

Trump Refuses Intelligence Briefings And Says His Tinfoil Hat From Breitbart Will ‘Do Just Fine’ Instead

When you're Donald Trump, intelligence briefings aren't necessary.

Depressed and Despondent Dinesh D’Souza Near Suicidal Over Trump Not Prosecuting Hillary

Dinesh D'Souza has a sad over Trump not prosecuting Hillary Clinton.

Trump: Ben Carson Perfect For HUD Because ‘It Has The Word Urban In It’

Trump explains why he wants Ben Carson for HUD.

Obama Wants To Be A ‘Private Sector Gun Grabber’ When He Leaves Office

Can Obama be a better gun grabber in the private sector than he was as President?

Co-President Trump: Ivanka’s In The White House To ‘Fill Melania’s Vacancy’

Does Ivanka Trump have what it takes to be pinch-FLOTUS? Her dad thinks so.