Totally Bulls*it News

Jesus Told Me Only “Fascist Incel Dorks” Don’t Like Separation of Church and State

"We told them to pay Caesar what's due to Caesar for a reason. Me-stianity and politics don't mix." Jesus Hubert Christ is not a fan of Project...

Trump: ‘Ivanka Told Me My Crowd Was A Good Size!’

Many people have said Trump's inaugural crowd size was smallish compared to his predecessors. But Ivanka has tried to comfort Daddy over it.

Sean Spicer: The Moon Is Made Of Cheese And Someone Is Inside It Keeping Its Light On

White House press secretary Sean Spicer's conspicuous and inauspicious start to his time in the job just got a little weirder.

Trump Changes Official Presidential Twitter Account To @POTUSSR

Just a day after entering office, Donald Trump makes a big change to the official Twitter account.

Daily American Greatness Tracker – Day 1

Some might think you can't measure a hollow, empty platitude like American Greatness, but those people are probably commies or something.

Obama’s Gun Confiscation Count: Final Count Edition!

After eight years of unbridled gun confiscation, do you have any of your collection of liberty lobbers left?

Trump Was Unsure Which Racist Joke To Open His Inaugural Address With

Trump knew he needed to break the ice somehow, but which racist joke would work best as the opener for his inaugural address?

76 Trombones Lead Trump & Big Parade To White House, Where He’ll Bring Back Manufacturing, Conduct Boys Band

President Donald Trump stands in front of a large marching band he taught to play their instruments and leads them to the White House.

Four Horsemen Of The Apocalypse ‘Really Looking Forward’ To Leading Trump Inaugural Parade

President-Elect Donald J. Trump has gotten confirmation that a very famous equestrian team will be leading the way down the streets of D.C.

Smoky Bear Decides To Start Packing Heat For All Future School Appearances

Fire safety advocate Smoky Bear has decided that in the Trump Era, he may need to re-think his "no gun" policy for school visits.

Trump Has White House Staff Fit Lincoln Bedroom With Rubber Sheets

Donald J. Trump already has bigly plans for multiple changes once he is sworn in and starts occupying the White House officially.