Yearly Archives: 2019

Insufferable, Sweaty, Lying Idiot Holds Minnesota’s Largest Klan Rally

Officials from Minnesota are confirming this morning that last night an...

Trump Reminds China It’s His Job to Stifle Black American Athletes’ Free Speech

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- President Donald Trump sent a strongly worded letter,...

Trump Defends Abandoning Kurds Because They Didn’t Help The U.S. in Revolutionary War

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- To say that President Donald Trump's presidency is...

Trey Gowdy: “How Can You Impeach Trump When He Wasn’t Even Involved in Benghazi?”

AMOR DU COUSIN, SOUTH CAROLINA -- Former Congressman Trey Gowdy is...

Ken Starr Sees a ‘Stunning Lack of ‘____ jobs’ In Impeachment Case Against Trump

WACO, TEXAS -- Ken Starr became a household name while he...

Rubio Says OJ Was Just Probably Just Kidding Around With His Knife

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- While out jogging around town, Senator Marco Rubio...

Poll: Majority Think President Trump Pulling Out 41 Years Too Late

A new snap poll, conducted by polling company We Poll You So...

Quiz: Which of These Big, Dumb, Obnoxious, Lying Idiots Thinks He’s Above the Law?

Things are getting really complicated, heady, and for some, perhaps even...