How Much Universal Healthcare Could We Get For the Price of One Gaza?

“…maybe I’m not aware of some egg-related benefits to buying Gaza and displacing tens if not hundreds of thousands of Palestinians.”

Granted, I am no math whiz. I’m not claiming to be a magician of mathematics. So, it’s entirely possible that someone is going to be able to point me in the direction of answers to my question that show me how it all works out, and that would be great by me! But, with our Royal Fart/Napping Rapist-in-Chief announcing yesterday that the United States plans to takeover the Gaza strip, I do have some math-related questions.

Mainly, my question is, “How much universal healthcare could. we get for the price of one Gaza?”

I was reasonably assured by everyone from the regime’s supporters to the corporate media that the main reason people wanted him back in office was because of the price of eggs. So maybe I’m not aware of some egg-related benefits to buying Gaza and displacing tens if not hundreds of thousands of Palestinians. I also think I need to ask the Gaza protest voters if this is how they wanted things to turn out, because I’m not sure if there’s an economic upside to helping fascism stomp all over the world, and maybe they do.

For now, though, I’d like to stay on topic and figure out how much universal healthcare the United States could afford if, for instance, we don’t annex a territory and shove the men, women, and children who live there into displaced refugee status.

I reached out to a couple of economists, but they were too busy doing their jobs or whatever to answer me. So, I’m hoping that if and when someone out there who knows the answer to my question reads this, they’ll contact me. I think I just need the math explained like I’m a moron who thinks authoritarian rapists deserve another presidential term, and then I’ll get it, and everything will be fine again.

If the United States does somehow purchase Gaza from Israel, I have a feeling our sundowning, real estate developer of a president would surely want to put one of his golf courses/burial plots for his current wife there. So perhaps, what he’ll negotiate is a certain percentage of the greens fees at Trump Gaza Golf Resort and Re-Education Camps going back to the American people. Then, perhaps, we can pay for healthcare for we plebs with that money?

I just realized, though, that I implied the Convicted Felon in Chief would do something to benefit someone not named “Donald J. Trump.” So when you get done laughing hysterically at me, please let me know how much universal healthcare we could buy for the price of one Gaza.

Thank you in advance.


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