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God Issues Statement of Apology Over Bowie, Rickman Deaths

After Alan Rickman became the second 69-year-old master artist to die from cancer in a week, Larry "God" Schumway released a statement of apology.

Atheist Alabama Judge to State’s Chief Justice: I Can’t Find God’s Signature on the...

Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore has an interesting theory as to why he should get to keep gay people unmarried in his state, but one other Alabama judge disagrees.

God to Marco Rubio: Leave Me Out of Your Sick Fantasies

God is not pleased with Marco Rubio's rhetoric dragging him into Earthly, political arguments.

God to Ted Cruz: I Don’t Give a F**K About Your President’s Religion

God is not too happy about Ted Cruz and his thoughts on atheists in the White House.

God Fires Mike Huckabee

God has fired Mike Huckabee after the Governor implied insurance companies should be allowed to deny coverage to people with preexisting conditions.

God: I’m Too Busy to Stop All The Gun Violence in America, Try Some...

God has some advice reducing gun violence in America.

God to American Gun Nuts: You’re To Blame For WDBJ Shooting

God reacts to the WDBJ shooting.

Pat Robertson: Not Separating Toys By Gender ‘Puts God’s Bullseye’ On Target’s Stores

Will God smite Target as Pat Robertson predicts for daring to challenge the notion of boys not playing with dolls or girls with G.I. Joes?

Pat Robertson: ‘Get Ready for God To Start Smiting Actual Boy Scouts’

"Clearly, God does not operate on my time table," Robertson said, "because if he did, there'd be a whole lot more dead Godless amoral heathen liberals running around, that's for sure."

Atheist Texas Judge To Require All Christian Couples to Sign ‘Your God is Made-Up’...

A Texas Judge's reaction to gay marriage has forced another Texas judge to fight fire with fire.