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Paul Ryan Resorts to Smacking Medications Out of Poor People’s Mouths
After eight years and more than 50 votes to repeal it, Paul Ryan realizes Obamacare is here to stay and needs a new plan to hurt the poor.
Paul Ryan Praying God Lets Him Rob Poor People Of Their Access To Doctors...
Speaker of the House Paul Ryan is reaching out to a higher power to help him take away essential health access from poor people.
Paul Ryan Worried Congress Can’t Destroy The Middle Class Fast Enough With All The...
Speaker of the House Paul Ryan really wants to do the job he was elected to do, but all of the distractions from the Trump camp are gumming up the works.
Trump, Paul Ryan Met To Discuss Most Economical Flavors of Cat Food For Social...
Paul Ryan meets with President elect Trump to discuss Social Security's future.
Paul Ryan Slams Obama’s ‘Socialist Assault’ On Economy As It Adds 255k New Jobs
Paul Ryan's skeptical of the 2016 July jobs numbers.
Paul Ryan Offers To Pay For More Benghazi Hearings By Cutting Social Security
"Will some seniors die if they don't have access to medicine and food? Sure. But I can't help but shrug a little bit."
Paul Ryan Watches Trump Light Wooden, Lowercase T On Judge’s Lawn; Will Still Vote...
Paul Ryan stands by his orange man.
CEO of Pet Food Company Endorses Paul Ryan for President
Charles Koch and this man want Paul Ryan to be the Republican nominee.
Paul Ryan Says He Practiced ‘Smug, Punchable’ Face for Weeks Before SOTU
Speaker Paul Ryan reportedly practiced his SOTU facial expressions or weeks.