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David Dennison Issues Statement: Donald Trump Never Told Him About Don Jr’s Trump Tower...

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Alleged billionaire businessman and former Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal lover David Dennison has issued the following statement in regards to...

Trump: “Oh Do Excuse Me, I’ve Been Meaning To Say ‘Yes Collusion!'”

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- In a sudden about-face from months of public denials, President Donald Trump reversed his previously stated position and said that, in...

POLL: Trump Approval 89% Among People Who Still Use Telegraphs

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- The subject of President Donald Trump's approval ratings has been a sore subject in his administration, seemingly from the very outset....

Poll: Austin Clay, The Trump Hollywood Star Vandal, New 2020 Frontrunner

HOLLYWOOD, CALIFORNIA -- Austin Clay, 24 years old and a resident of Los Angeles County, claims to be the person who utterly destroyed President...

Trump Calls Michael Cohen, Tapes, Putin, Russia, Election, Crooked Hillary, Electoral College, His Presidency...

WASHINGTON, D.C. --  After a bombshell dropped on him in the form of CNN publishing one of the secret recordings made by his former...

Trump Family Makes Deal With Lawry’s For Exclusive New Table Salt

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Today the White House released a joint press release with the Trump Foundation, announcing a partnership with Lawry's on a new...

Putin Assures Trump Andrew Jackson Had Nothing to Do With Trail of Tears

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- When President Trump took office, one of the first controversial decisions he made was to bring back a portrait of President...

Donald Trump Vows to Make Hazzard County Great Again

Hazzard County, GA -- Ever since TV Land's cancellation of the immensely popular long-running television series, The Dukes of Hazzard, the residents of Hazzard...

Staffers Say They Still Smell Vladimir Putin’s Dinner on Trump’s Breath

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Sources within the White House are confirming at the time of publication that the odor of the dinner Russian president Vladimir...

White House Experienced Temporary Loss of White Power During Trump’s Helsinki Backpedal

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RBwIX4ypQjM WASHINGTON, D.C. -- During yesterday's quickly assembled meeting at the White House, President Trump backpedaled on statements he made at a joint press conference...