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Trump Says He’s Waiting for the Picture Version of Mueller Report Before Issuing Response

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- The White House has issued the following statement in light of FBI Special Counsel Robert Mueller finishing his investigation into Russian...

Trump Demands Disneyland Post ICE Guards at Entrance to Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- When Disneyland Park opens its new Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge attraction, it's expected to help shatter attendance records. Reportedly, the new...

McCain Leads Trump in Early 2020 Polling

In a new poll that was just published, the late Senator John McCain (R-AZ) would handily defeat incumbent President Donald Trump in a head-to-head...

Trump Challenges John McCain to Fist Fight

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Over the last several days, President Donald Trump has increased his hostile, combative, insulting, and demeaning rhetoric toward the late Senator...

President Demands Facebook and Twitter Force Users to Like Garbage Civilized People Don’t Want...

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- President Donald Trump is part of a group of Americans who believe that social media companies like Facebook and Twitter are...

Soros Orders Obama to Ensure FEMA Camp Dead Baby and Confiscated Gun Warehouses Still...

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Sources close to the situation are reporting at this hour that former President Barack Hussein Obama (D-Kenya) has been ordered by...

Trump Regrets Lying About Lying About Telling Michael Cohen to Lie

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- When Donald Trump came down from the White House's presidential residence to the Oval Office late this afternoon to retrieve a...

President Trump Says He Regrets Every Abortion He Paid For, and the Don Jr....

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Last weekend, President Donald Trump spoke at CPAC -- the Conservative Political Action Conference -- and gave a long-winded, rambling, often...

Trump Demands “Mark Facebook and Jack Tweeter” Stop Censoring Conservatives

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- During a meeting with business leaders this week, President Trump referred to Tim Cook, the CEO of Apple Computers, as "Tim...

President’s Plane Renamed “Air Force Individual-1”

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- President Donald Trump's aircraft has been officially rechristened. "Because Special Counsel Robert Mueller's investigation is ongoing, and because it seems every couple...