Obama’s Gun Confiscation Count: Week #420 By James Schlarmann August 14, 2015 Share FacebookTwitterPinterestWhatsApp Total: Guns Confiscated by President Barack Obama (Week #420): Total: Guns Confiscated by President Barack Obama (Entire Presidency): Total: Caches of Weapons and Ammunition, Seized by President Barack Obama (Week #420): Total: Caches of Weapons and Ammunition, Seized by President Barack Obama (Entire Presidency): Weeks Since Last Mass Shooting in the U.S.: Total: Months Without a Mass Shooting in the U.S., 2015: Total: Months Without A Mass Shooting in the U.S., 2014: Total: Months Without a Mass Shooting in the U.S., 2013: Total: Soft, Warm Quilts – Knitted by Firarms: Total: Love Songs – Composed by Firearms: Total: Tense Situations – Made Better, More Relaxed by Firearms: Total: Americans Willing to Overlook a Clear and Obvious Trend in Gun Violence For the Sake of Misguided Ideas Over What the 2nd Amendment Is About: “A tragically embarrassing number.” Advertising More Cool Sh*t Totally Bulls*it News Greenlander Would Rather Not Lose Universal Healthcare to Join “Shit Hole” Country 0 Totally Bulls*it News Marjorie Taylor Greene Says Greenland “Would Be Lucky” if Trump Ran It Like One of His Casinos 0 Totally Bulls*it News Obama Dares Co-Presidents to Attempt His Record for Holding Their Breath Underwater 0 Advertising