Total: Guns Confiscated by President Barack Obama (Week #381):
Total: Guns Confiscated by President Barack Obama (Entire Presidency):
Total: Caches of Weapons and Ammunition, Seized by President Barack Obama (Week #381):
Total: Caches of Weapons and Ammunition, Seized by President Barack Obama (Entire Presidency):
Total: FEMA Camps Authorized, Gun Owners Incarcerated in by President Barack Obama (Week #381):
Total: FEMA Camps Authorized, Gun Owners Incarcerated in by President Barack Obama (Entire Presidency):
Total: Guns Turned Into Rainbow Firing Cannons of Gay Love by President Barack Obama (Week #381):
Total: Guns Turned Into Rainbow Firing Cannons of Gay Love by President Barack Obama (Entire Presidency):
Total: Second Amendments Deleted by President Barack Obama (Week #381):
Total: Second Amendments Deleted by President Barack Obama (Entire Presidency):
Total: Number of Americans who are finally convinced Obama’s not coming for their guns, but Hillary or Bernie will for sure, and they will also make being heterosexual, white, Christian, or male illegal while taxing us 1,000%:
“Is it too late for the Universe to call a mulligan on humanity?”