Home Pew Pew! Obama Gun Confiscation Count: Week #412

Obama Gun Confiscation Count: Week #412

Total Guns Confiscated by President Barack Obama (Week #412): Total Guns Confiscated by President Barack Obama (Entire Presidency):

Total Types of Guns Banned Senseless Mass Shooting in SC by President Barack Obama:

Total Number of Times Charleston Church Shooting Blamed Only On White People by President Barack Obama:

Total Times South Carolina Shooting Only Blamed on Guns by President Barack Obama:

Total Hate Crimes Blamed on Republicans by President Barack Obama:

Total Benghazis Covered Up With False Flag Attack on SC Church by President Barack Obama:

Total Times, Suggestion of Socialism Curing Gun Violence by President Barack Obama:

Total Number of Mass Shootings Addressed by President Barack Obama (Presidency):

Total Number Of Times Country Will Be Shown the Results of Ignoring Systemic Racism and the Ubiquity of Firearms in America Without Feeling the Need to Actually Fix Them Instead of Pretending It’s Too Hard or Not a Problem At All:


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