Obama Gun Confiscation Count: Week #410 By James Schlarmann June 5, 2015 Share FacebookTwitterPinterestWhatsApp Total Guns Confiscated by President Barack Obama (Week #410): Total Guns Confiscated by President Barack Obama (Entire Presidency): Total Types of Guns Banned by President Barack Obama: Total Number of Guns Ordered Melted Down by President Barack Obama: Total Government Takeovers of Entire Industries by President Barack Obama: Total Saul Alinsky Statues Erected In Front of the White House by President Barack Obama: Total Gay Mexican Muslim Illegal Immigrants Married by President Barack Obama: Total Socialist Dictates Issued by President Barack Obama: Total Mosques Built Over Confederate Soldier Graves by President Barack Obama: Total Cancellations of 2016 Elections by President Barack Obama: Total International Apology Tours by President Barack Obama: Total Number, Americans Cowed Into Actually Thinking Any of This Crap Could Come to Be Under President Barack Obama’s Watch: “An Embarrassingly Ginormous Number.” Advertising More Cool Sh*t Totally Bulls*it News How Much Universal Healthcare Could We Get For the Price of One Gaza? 0 Totally Bulls*it News I Voted For Jesus Fascism and All I Got Was My Welfare Frozen! 0 Totally Bulls*it News Jim Jordan Happy to Give Congressional Spending Power to Trump’s Ballsack 0 Advertising