Obama Gun Confiscation Count: Week #409 By James Schlarmann May 28, 2015 Share FacebookTwitterPinterestWhatsApp Total Guns Confiscated by President Barack Obama (Week #409): Total Guns Confiscated by President Barack Obama (Entire Presidency): Total Types of Guns Banned by President Barack Obama: Total Number of Guns Ordered Melted Down by President Barack Obama: Total Economies Socialism’d by President Barack Obama: Total FEMA Camps Filled With Dissenters by President Barack Obama: Total Undocumented Immigrants Given Social Security by President Barack Obama: Total Martial/”Marshall” Law Times Instituted by President Barack Obama: Total Abortions Performed by President Barack Obama: Total Constitutions: Asses Wiped With by President Barack Obama: Total Constitutions: Burned, Shredded, or “Fucked” by President Barack Obama: Total Number, Americans Willing To Believe This Shit Would Happen Under President Barack Obama’s Watch: “An unbelievable pant-load.” Advertising More Cool Sh*t Totally Bulls*it News Greenlander Would Rather Not Lose Universal Healthcare to Join “Shit Hole” Country 0 Totally Bulls*it News Marjorie Taylor Greene Says Greenland “Would Be Lucky” if Trump Ran It Like One of His Casinos 0 Totally Bulls*it News Obama Dares Co-Presidents to Attempt His Record for Holding Their Breath Underwater 0 Advertising