LA VALLE DE PRIVILEGIO, CALIFORNIA — Rapper Kanye West has found himself in quite a unique place with the general public these last few days, and it’s all thanks to his support of President Donald Trump.
Last week, West tweeted in support of conservative African American pundit Candace Owens, calling her a “free thinker.” Since then, West has consistently tweeted about President Trump and has repeatedly said he is about “love” now, and that is why he wants to work with Trump not against him. The backlash from many in his fan base, and even from friends and fellow performers like John Legend have not kept West from speaking out in support of Trump. West has also tweeted that Parkland shooting survivor and gun regulation advocate Emma Gonzalez is his “hero,” however his most buzz generating tweets have been in support of conservatives.
Yesterday, West appeared on TMZ with Owens to discuss the controversy over his support of Trump. During the discussion, West raised eyebrows across the country when he seemed to imply that the Africans who were kidnapped and forced into the American slave trade over 400 years did so out of a choice they made to be enslaved.
“When you hear about slavery for 400 years … for 400 years? That sounds like a choice,” he said during an appearance on entertainment site TMZ. (BBC)
“What I said about slavery being a choice yesterday was definitely dumb as fuck,” West explained this morning. “But considering that I’m aligning myself with the guy who thinks six million illegal Mexicans voted for Hillary Clinton, who purposefully threw the election so he’d get impeached after being investigated by people appointed to their positions by people in his own political party, I got some catching up to do in the saying stupid shit department, right fam?”
Though it seems self-evidently laughable that people who were beaten and threatened with death for them and their families chose to remain enslaved, West didn’t back down this morning. Instead, he introduced yet another wrinkle to the situation. West announced he was changing his name and would be dropping a very pro-conservative, pro-Trump album this fall, just ahead of the mid-terms in November.

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“Kanye is no more. The world must now welcome Uncle Tomye, because I’m here, and I’m not going anywhere,” West tweeted. “And I’m dropping COMPLICIT, Tomye’s first record, this coming fall. We’re gonna free think a bunch of racism-enabling talking points, y’all. #GetComplicit #UncleTomye #FreeThinkingWhatImToldToFreeThinkByCandaceOwensandBenShapiro.”
West explained the name change briefly and succinctly.
“I just think Uncle Tomye fits my new, totally free thinking vibe better,” West tweeted. “You know what I mean? It’s like, if I’m gonna help maintain the status quo by giving white people permission to ignore the very obvious effects of racism and Jim Crow that exist to this very day, I might as well take on a persona more befitting someone willing to sell out their own people in the name of self promotion.”
In subsequent tweets, West would explain that “Complicit” will largely be a record of him saying “Yes” over and over again to Donald Trump speeches played over musical beds.
“This album is gonna be more lit than a cross one of my new fan’s lights on one of my old fan’s lawn,” West promised. “You’re definitely gonna wanna grab ten copies for you and your friends.”
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