Totally Bulls*it News

Eagles Accept Gavin Newsom’s Invitation to Visit California

"As much as we would have graciously eaten a cold Big Mac or Quarter Pounder with cheese, we'd all much prefer to be eating...

Sen. Ted Cruz: Any ‘Hidden’ Planets in Our Solar System Belong Solely to U.S.

Scientists believe there may be two planets "hiding" in our solar system, and Senator Ted Cruz is already claiming exclusive dominion over them for the U.S.

Huckabee – “States Can Ignore SCOTUS on Gay Marriage, Slavery, and Jim Crow”

For a constitutional scholar, Mike Huckabee is an okay bassist.

Mother Earth Files Harassment, Eviction Suit Against Humanity

Mother Earth is suing humanity and attempting to evict it because of humankind's aversion to doing anything about climate change.

Man Who Got Ass Kicked By Obama Sad Obama Reminded Everyone About It

Mitt Romney was defeated mightily in the 2012 presidential election, and he's not very happy that President Obama reminded the country of that in his State of the Union.

Local Oil Baron: “Feel Sorry For Me While You Fill Your Gas Tank For the First Time in 5 Years!”

Gas prices are dropping all over the country, but one man says we need to stop celebrating and start feeling sorry for him.

Mike Huckabee 2016 To Focus on The Important Stuff Like Pop Music

If Mike Huckabee runs again in 2016, will his campaign focus solely on pop music, or will he mix in other stuff people care about?

Romney to Un-Hide Percentage of His Fortune To Combat Poverty

Mitt Romney wants to focus on poverty, and he might maybe have a plan to show just how serious he is about it.

SCALIA: As Long as Gay People Are Corporations, They Can Get Married

The Supreme Court is going to decide on gay marriage this summer, and Justice Antonin Scalia may have possibly perhaps tipped his hand.

EXCLUSIVE: Read a Leaked Draft of Sen. Joni Ernst’s State of the Union Rebuttal Here!

Joni Ernst will deliver the Republican rebuttal to Obama's next State of the Union, which we may have a draft copy of for you to read right now!

Most Transparent Administration Ever Knew Senate Was Being Spied On

The CIA-Senate spying scandal took a new turn when it was revealed the Obama Administration knew all about it. But will Obama voters care?