Totally Bulls*it News

Jesus Told Me Only “Fascist Incel Dorks” Don’t Like Separation of Church and State

"We told them to pay Caesar what's due to Caesar for a reason. Me-stianity and politics don't mix." Jesus Hubert Christ is not a fan of Project...

Libertarian: Being Poor in America Not Bad Because Other People Are Poorer

One young libertarian explains why the middle class isn't really shrinking even though it's shrinking.

Obama’s Gun Confiscation Count: Week #351

Can Obama's Gun Confiscation ever be reined in?

Dick Cheney ‘Hella Bummed’ Trump Not Also Blaming Him For 9/11

The former Vice-President has a sad over not getting credit for the Bush Administration's blundering of 9/11 intelligence.

Huckabee and Santorum Spend Long, Intimate Night Planning Anti-Gay Rhetoric

Rick Santorum and Mike Huckabee got up close and personal in an effort to combat a mutual enemy -- two adults loving each other.

Congressional GOP Hastily Prepping Bible Stack, Witch Cakes For Clinton’s Benghazi Testimony

House Republicans are preparing "special interrogative devices" for when Hillary Clinton testifies at their Benghazi hearing later this week.

Libertarian Wonders: Do Poor People Really Suffer If They Have Refrigerators?

Are poor people really living in poverty if they can keep their food fresher, longer? This libertarian believes if you have a fridge, you're not so bad off.

Rand Paul’s Next Campaign Stunt: Eat and Then Defecate The Tax Code

Campaign stunts are Rand Paul's bread and butter.

Oil Tycoon Explains Why The Rich Can’t Afford More Taxes But Can Give Billions to Campaigns

A different view of campaign finance issues from a wealthy oil tycoon.

Donald Trump Stump Speech Breaks Out At Klan Rally

A run of the mill Klan rally turns into a political spectacle at the hands of Donald Trump.

Cooking and Cocking: 5 Kitchen Tips for Your Gun From Wayne LaPierre

An excerpt from Wayne LaPierre's new cooking book, "Cooking and Cocking."