Totally Bulls*it News

Greenlander Would Rather Not Lose Universal Healthcare to Join “Shit Hole” Country

"Why would we want to join a shit hole country that doesn't even give us basic human health services like every other developed nation?" When...

Daesh: We Are ‘Hella Impressed’ With The Gun Lobby’s ‘Soft Terrorism’

After the Colorado Springs shooting at a Planned Parenthood, Daesh released a statement commending America's gun lobby.

Local Republican ‘Tremendously Upset’ Colorado Planned Parenthood Shooter Not Muslim

The Colorado Planned Parenthood shooter is a white, middle-aged man, and presumably Christian and conservative, which has really upset one Christian conservative in particular.

David Daleiden Having Hard Time Washing Blood of Colorado Springs Off His Hands

David Daleiden says in the wake of the Colorado Springs shooting, he can't seem to wash all the blood off his hands.

Moderate Muslim: Where Are All The Moderate White Christians Denouncing Planned Parenthood Shooting?

One Muslim resident of Colorado is wondering when all white Christians will denounce the perpetrator of the Planned Parenthood Shooting.

Ben Carson Compares Cleaning Up After Thanksgiving to Slavery

Ben Carson got out of helping his wife clean up after Thanksgiving dinner with a very common (for him) argument.

Obama’s Gun Confiscation Count: Week #355

Did Obama's Gun Confiscation claim your favorite firearm this week?

Guy Spending 30 Years in Jail For Selling Pot ‘Really Happy For’ Presidential Pardoned Turkey

President Obama has once again performed the Presidential Pardoned Turkey ceremony, and one human inmate is really happy for the gobbler.

Good Cop Will Speak Up Once He’s Witnessed His 15th Unlawful Killing

One Illinois cop has had it up to here with police brutality, and if he sees just a little more of it, he'll probably do something.

Mexican Immigrant Feeling Left Out After GOP’s Hate-Pivot to Muslims

The story of one Mexican immigrant's sadness at being ignored in their rhetoric by Republicans over their Islamaphobia.

GOP Strategist: Republican Candidates Need ‘Right Mix of Phobias’ to Win Primary Voters

One GOP strategist's take on how someone can win his party's nomination.