Totally Bulls*it News

Greenlander Would Rather Not Lose Universal Healthcare to Join “Shit Hole” Country

"Why would we want to join a shit hole country that doesn't even give us basic human health services like every other developed nation?" When...

Marco Rubio: I Would Bomb More Children Than Cruz

Marco Rubio tells a rally crowd he'd bomb way more kids than Ted Cruz.

Ted Cruz Proposes ‘Separate But Equal’ Muslim-Only Constitution

Ted Cruz wants a new Constitution for Muslims only.

President-Elect Donald Trump Vows to Change ISIS’s Wi-Fi Password

Donald Trump has a simple solution to the problem of radical Islamic terrorism, specifically the group known as Daesh.

Daesh Takes Credit for War on Christmas

Terrorist group Daesh has taken responsibility for all victories in the "War on Christmas."

Man Rushed to Hospital With Third Degree Burns After Trump Book Burning

A man badly burned at a Trump rally is in "stable but still derpy" condition.

Another Republican Debate Drinking Game

This Republican Debate Drinking Game is like none other, we promise you that.

Marco Rubio Vows to Lead America Into the 19th Century

Marco Rubio wants to remind Americans he can lead them to a better yesterday.

CNN Constructs Silo to Store GOP Debate Bullshit

Ahead of tomorrow night's GOP Debate, CNN has taken big steps to prevent toxic bullshit seepage.

Ted Cruz Wants to Replace Donald Trump as the GOP’s Leading Douche

Senator Ted Cruz really hopes Republican voters think he's douchier than Donald Trump.

Dumb, Failing, White UT Student Thinks Justice Scalia Is Totally Right About Affirmative Action

One white kid agrees with Justice Scalia on Affirmative Action, though he's not quite sure why.