Totally Bulls*it News

Greenlander Would Rather Not Lose Universal Healthcare to Join “Shit Hole” Country

"Why would we want to join a shit hole country that doesn't even give us basic human health services like every other developed nation?" When...

Obama’s Gun Confiscation Count: Week #359 – Christmas Eve Edition

A festive, holiday-inspired rundown of Obama's Gun Confiscation count.

Santa Claus Asks Gun Owners to Stow Weapons Before He Comes

Santa Claus has released a statement asking gun owners to safely stow their weapons before he delivers presents to their children.

Gun Enthusiast Rushed to Hospital With Groin Injury

This particular gun enthusiast met an untimely fate, all because he couldn't keep his gun, or himself, in his pants. Sad.

We Asked These 2016 Presidential Candidates What They Wanted for Christmas

Find out what your favorite candidate wants for Christmas here!

Town Republican Has Figured Out How to Vote for Trump and Not Hate Himself

One man has figured out how to vote for Donald Trump and not compromise his scruples.

Ohio Republican Wants to Create Uterine Registry

One Republican says a new proposed law in Ohio that would force women who have abortions or miscarriages to bury or cremate the fetus doesn't go far enough.

Trump Starts Bashing Hillary with Crude Stick Figures

Donald Trump unveils a new way to talk trash on Hillary Clinton -- stick figures.

Chris Christie in New Hampshire: ‘I Give a Shit Where Kids Shit’

Chris Christie has an opinion about where kids relieve themselves, and he's not afraid to make it known.

Las Vegas AAA Chapter: You Stop a Bad Guy in a Car With a Good Guy in a Car

After a tragic Las Vegas crash involving a potentially under the influence driver, AAA will start lobbying for FEWER traffic and car-related laws.

Confused Lindsey Graham Staffer Didn’t Know Campaign Was Still Going

FLAT GROVE, SOUTH CAROLINA -- When Lincoln McTavish got word that...