Totally Bulls*it News

Oh Cool, I’m Blogging About Politics Again. Can Anyone Remember Why?

A long time ago, in a country that feels a million miles away now, I started this stupid little website because as I was...

Sleepy-Eyed Ben Carson Shows Up Two Days Late for CNN Debate

You might have thought you saw Ben Carson at the CNN debate, but your eyes may have been fooling you.

Donald Trump Unveils Plans “Camp Trump” for Muslim Americans

Donald Trump wants to build a "special" camp for Muslim Americans.

Daesh Thanks Republican Party For the Free Propaganda During CNN Debate

After the CNN Debate, Daesh released a statement thanking the GOP for the free airtime.

Syrian Child Hopes U.S. Carpet Bombs Match His Drapes

One Syrian child hopes the U.S. delivers nice carpet if they start bombing within his home country.

Muslim Colorado Springs Resident Proposes Monitoring Christian Churches

One Muslim man in Colorado wants to start monitoring Christian churches if conservatives are going to start monitoring Mosques.

Marco Rubio: I Would Bomb More Children Than Cruz

Marco Rubio tells a rally crowd he'd bomb way more kids than Ted Cruz.

Ted Cruz Proposes ‘Separate But Equal’ Muslim-Only Constitution

Ted Cruz wants a new Constitution for Muslims only.

President-Elect Donald Trump Vows to Change ISIS’s Wi-Fi Password

Donald Trump has a simple solution to the problem of radical Islamic terrorism, specifically the group known as Daesh.

Daesh Takes Credit for War on Christmas

Terrorist group Daesh has taken responsibility for all victories in the "War on Christmas."

Man Rushed to Hospital With Third Degree Burns After Trump Book Burning

A man badly burned at a Trump rally is in "stable but still derpy" condition.